How to Stop Itching Skin in Eczema


How to Stop Itching Skin in Eczema

Eczema is an acute skin condition that causes discoloration, inflammation, and itchy skin. Skin dryness, redness, and itching are also experienced in different parts of the body. Eczema is mainly caused by an abnormal immune reaction and is worsened by itching. As patients scratch the affected areas of the skin, the nails damage the dermal barrier, further increasing skin inflammation and worsening itchiness. This chronic scratching can make one more vulnerable to infection, as it is easier for bacteria to penetrate through cracked skin and attack the body.

8 strategies to stop scratching and itching your skin if you have eczema

Cold stimuli to stop scratching and itching eczema skin

According to dermatologists, it is recommended that patients with eczema hold an ice cube or a cold pack in the itchy regions. These cold stimuli obstruct the itchy sensation of the body and can therefore help break the itch and scratch cycle.

Changing your routine can help stop scratching and itchy eczema skin

Habit reversal is a psychological tool that can help you control eczema itch effectively. Studies show that eczema patients tend to develop the habit of scratching, meaning scratching can become a conditioned response, and they may not even be aware of doing so. In the psychological habit reversal technique, patients must recognize this habit and identify the times when they are most likely to scratch the skin with eczema. Then they must consciously participate in a few different activations when the need to scratch arises.

Identify triggers that lead to scratching and itchy skin with eczema

Eczema is usually caused by underlying genetic factors, and its symptoms can be worsened by certain environmental factors. Although not all have the same triggers for eczema, the most common include some fabrics such as wool, allergens such as pet dander or dust, heat or cold, and scented detergents or skin care products.

Deep breathing

Eczema is also triggered by stress and anxiety in many people. High levels of inflammatory chemicals, such as the stress hormone cortisol, in the body can worsen inflammation, which in turn can make eczema more acute and increase itching. Eczema patients should identify situations that make them feel anxious, stressed, and busy. Then they should try to control and avoid such situations, and if they already face one, they should try to stay as calm and calm as possible.

Warm water bath can help stop skin scratch and itchiness with eczema

Bathing in hot water can temporarily make the patient feel good, but can ultimately worsen eczema by initiating the release of itch-inducing compounds. Instead, warm water should be used for bathing as this sensitive skin condition is less likely to aggravate.

Hydrate before bed

Properly hydrating the skin with a pleasant lotion just before going to bed at night can effectively soothe and repair eczema-affected skin. It is also important for patients to understand that since they cannot stop the itch completely, they should try not to be frustrated when the itch distracts them from sleeping. Frustration can exacerbate the itching and make it even more difficult for them to fall asleep.

Light therapy can relieve scratching and itchy skin with eczema

Eczema patients may also consider light therapy, also known as phototherapy, to relieve itching. This therapy uses ultraviolet light to filter through the outer layers of the skin to suppress inflammatory cells and thus relieve itching. Light therapy is very safe, but time consuming. Two to three sessions per week for several months can help alleviate eczema considerably.

Regular eczema manicure

Some eczema patients wear gloves to avoid scratching. However, this can have a reverse effect, as gloves can make your hands sweaty and make your skin feel more irritated. Patients who can’t stop scratching should at least cut their nails regularly and keep them as smooth and short as possible.

Nothing can be more frustrating than trying not to scratch the itchy skin in eczema. But it is better to keep your hands away from the eczema rash for a faster recovery.