Prevention of Different Diseases with Home Remedies


Boost immunity: The life style followed these days by most people leads to different diseases. There is always a crowd waiting at the doctor’s clinic. This is not only physical suffering but also mental suffering. It is important to ensure good health with the help of a well balanced diet, exercise and a good life style. You should be ware that frequent illnesses are an indication of a weak immune system. It is important to work towards boosting  immunity system in the right manner.

  1. Make Sure to Eat Right:

You can have all the tasty food you so want but that does not mean you indulge on the processed and junk food available. Concentrate more on vegetables and fruits. Ensure your daily meals contain all the basic nutrients required by your body. If you are not too sure what to eat, consult a well qualified dietician or a nutritionist. Basic food can also be made tasty.

  1. Sleep Well and Sleep Enough:

Skip all those late night gatherings and try to have a fixed schedule for sleeping. You need to know that your body requires minimum of eight hours quality sleep every day. Making any compromises on this can lead to multiple health problems. Not many are aware that your body does all the repair work when you are sleeping. Eat an early dinner and then sleep after at least a two hour gap.

  1. Physical Activity:

Choose an exercise which you enjoy and fit this into your daily routine. It is important to keep the limbs moving. This works in the positive not only for the physical health but also for the mental health of an individual. You have the choice of joining a gym if you can spare the time, or else go for a walk or swim. In short, pick up a physical activity which offers you some joy.

  1. Exposure to Sunlight:

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient which can be got by the right exposure to the sun. The morning sunlight works perfect as this is not too harsh.

  1. Stay away from Smoking and Alcohol:

Smoking is a big ‘NO’ for all those looking to ensure good health. This is the cause of multiple ailments which can be termed ‘serious’. Alcohol can work beneficial only in moderation. That means, one, or maximum two drinks a day can be healthy but anything more than this is asking for trouble.

  1. Reduce Intake of Sugar:

Sugar is considered as ‘white poison’. It is wiser to stay away from this. This is found in all the bakery food items or even sugary drinks. Why not munch on a fruit when you have a craving for sugar.

Besides following the above mentioned tips for building immunity, you need to ensure you are well hydrated. Drinking water is what is required and not all those aerated drinks and sodas. Coconut water is definitely beneficial and can be consumed instead of water at times.

Building immunity offers multiple health benefits for a long period of time.


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